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melt flow index tester instruction
Click:722 Release time:2017-06-03

 Melt flow index tester instructions:

1die installation: Use the loader bar to push the die into the barrel from the top of the cylinder until it reaches the die plate.

2Put the piston rod (assembly) from top of the barrel into the cylinder.

3Plug in the power cord and open the power switch on the control panel to see if the power indicator is on. Enter in the test parameter setting page, set the constant temperature point, sampling interval, sampling frequency and loading load. After entering the test home page, press the start button so that the instrument starts to heat up. When the temperature is stabilized to the set value, hold the thermostat for at least 15 minutes.

4When the stable temperature holds 15 minutes, put on the advanced prepared gloves(to prevent burns) to remove the piston rod and then put the samples into the barrel through the hopper. When the samples are all put in the barrel, put the loading bar into the barrel to compact the samples. The whole process should be completed within 1 minute. Then put the piston back into the barrel. Four minutes later, the standard testing load should be applied to the piston.

All the parameters are available in the schedule attached in the end of the instruction.

5Sample cut

Aautomatically cut: Put the sample tray on the bottom of the discharge port. When the piston rod moves down until its mark on the next ring is neck and neck to the upper surface of the guide sleeve, press the key of run so that the scrapper works automatically according to the setting.

Bmanual cut Put the sample tray on the bottom of the discharge port and set the sampling mode as manual scraping. When the piston rod moves down until its mark on the next ring is neck and neck to the upper surface of the guide sleeve, press the key of spin to turn on the manual knob.Sampling should be operated on the piston rod between the upper and lower annular markers.

6Result calculationSelect 3-5 no bubbles spline and cool it. And then put it on the balance to test the weight (the accuracy of the balance should be precise than 0.01g). Enter the mean value of the test result on the average blanket and press the key of . The result will be calculated automatically and display it in the screen. Select to print the results and the result will be printed out. At this point the test is completed.

7After the test, clean-up work should be carried out under the following steps:

A When the material in the barrel is extruded fully, put on the gloves to remove the weights and the piston rod and clean the piston rod.

B Pull out the rod baffle and exit the die with the loading mast. Use the die cleaning rod clean the die until the hole in the die is clean. Clean the loading bar at the same time.

CWrap the clean white gauze around the barrel cleaning rod and clean the barrel when the barrel is hot.

(8)   Turn off the instrument and unplug the power cord.